Monthly Archives: August 2022

WSJ-Reagan’s Lessons in Economic Leadership

I saw him put the country’s interests ahead of his own more than once. We coulduse a leader like that now.By Phil GrammAug. 16, 2022 6:23 pm ET President Biden’s signing of the so-called Infl ation Reduction Act brings back four-decade-oldmemories of better economic leadership. On Aug. 13, 1981, President...
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WSJ-Lessons From the Great Inflation of 1973-81

Then as now, what drove higher prices was excess demand owing to runaway government spending. Ronald Reagan and Paul Volcker understood. By Phil Gramm and Mike Solon Aug. 2, 2022 12:49 pm ET History withholds its wisdom from those who ignore its lessons. Forty years ago this month, the fiscal policy of President Ronald...
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